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Secret Service Cites Communication Failures, Complacency in Attempted Trump Assassination Review

(WCTU) - A preliminary report released by the United States Secret Service highlights several critical failures in protective operations that contributed to the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. Among the primary issues cited in the report are deficiencies in planning, poor communication with local law enforcement, and complacency among agents on the ground.

“We must hold ourselves accountable for the failures of July 13 and ensure that we learn from this to prevent another incident like this from ever happening again,” stated Ronald Rowe, the acting director of the Secret Service, emphasizing the agency's commitment to internal review and reform. The report, released ahead of a more comprehensive assessment expected in the coming weeks, offers an initial glimpse into how the situation escalated.

The summary identifies several key failures in the preparation for Trump's rally. Notably, it points to the lack of clear coordination between the Secret Service and local authorities, as well as vulnerabilities in the rally’s layout that left the former president exposed to potential sniper fire. The agency also flagged the over-reliance on mobile communication between agents and local law enforcement, which allowed critical intelligence to be siloed and not disseminated broadly enough just before shots were fired.

In the document, the Secret Service acknowledges a failure to address "line-of-sight vulnerabilities" at the rally grounds, suggesting that more robust planning and communication measures could have mitigated these risks. An agent familiar with the matter described the situation as a “breakdown in coordination that left gaps in protection.”

The report also includes a detailed timeline of the events that led to the assassination attempt, highlighting the minutes leading up to the gunfire. According to the report, moments before the shots rang out, important information failed to reach key personnel because of fragmented communication systems.

Now, the agency is moving into what officials are calling the "accountability phase." In a statement, the Secret Service confirmed that the Mission Insurance Review has already identified multiple personnel who will be held accountable for the planning and execution failures.

The acting director underscored that the agency "has one of the most robust tables of penalties in the federal government" and promised that responsible parties would face consequences for their roles in the incident.

Since the attempted assassination in July, the Secret Service has already implemented changes to its operational model, driven by an "elevated threat level." These changes include increasing the number of agents, improving technical assets, and deploying additional protective equipment at high-risk events. Moving forward, the agency has committed to adopting a more proactive stance in its protective missions, with the acting director describing the shift as a "new paradigm" for how they conduct operations in high-risk environments.


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